[Gmsh] Meshing constraint in interphase section of RVEs

Rohracker, Maurice mau.rohracker at fau.de
Fri Jan 3 14:52:20 CET 2020

Dear GMSH mail list members,

for a HiWi project at the University Erlangen-Nürnberg, I use GMSH for 
meshing representing volume elements (RVEs) with interphase sections. 
For these interphase sections, we want at least 4 elements between the 
particles and the interphase.

For some elements, we get the right results because of small mesh size. 
But for others not. Is there any possibility to get the right results 
without decreasing the mesh size of the circles?

I also tried to put an additional point between interphase and particle 
to specify here a kind of helping mesh size.

Is there also a possibility to have inside the circular elements larger 
mesh sizes, so that the mesh isn't that fine at all at the centre of 
each inclusion? (e.g. by specifying a larger mesh size at the centre?)

You find attached the current generated mesh.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,
Maurice Rohracker
Master Student Computational Engineering
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
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