[Gmsh] Matlab reader for file format 1 and 2

Christophe Geuzaine cgeuzaine at ulg.ac.be
Sun Oct 14 12:05:11 CEST 2007

Thanks ! We've added it to "utils/converters/matlab".

Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida wrote:
> Hello
> Based on the ideas in the file 'load_gmsh.m' that is currently distributed 
> with gmsh (which can only read files in the old format) I wrote a msh reader 
> which may eventually be usefull to someone out there.
> The code is more general (each new element type only requires two changes in 
> the definitions) but this implied changes in the format of the structure.
> The code works for me, but as I am only providing files directly from gmsh and 
> using 2d elements, testing has been limited.
> Bugs reports, comments and suggestions are welcome.
> Regards
> ZP
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Prof. Christophe Geuzaine
University of Liege, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science